
This portfolio comprises my work as a lighting planner and designer from 2003 to 2018. Please, click here to take a look at my data analytics and GIS projects as well.

The following blocks present some of my most significant works. In all of these plans, I enacted as a project leader and collaborated with my former partners Fabiano Xavier and Alain Maitre.

My work in lighting planning

In 2003, after two years working with interior lighting projects for the Berliner office Kolbe & Sekles, I started as a lighting designer in Atelier Lumière. In 2004, I became a partner and led the urban lighting planning division.

In 2016, the French multinational Citelum bought Atelier Lumière and I became a Project Specialist for their Brazilian branch.

Please refer to the About section of this portfolio for a complete list of the lighting Masterplans and LED upgrade feasibility assessments I have completed.

Lighting Masterplan Albuquerque, 2017.

This project started as a preliminary concept for a Lighting Masterplan in March 2016, developed in Atelier Lumière.

In December 2016, as a Citelum employee, I was invited to travel to Houston in order to be part of a task force to further develop the initial plan and to deliver a feasibility assessment with LED upgrade, which resulted in a new business for Citelum in Albuquerque.

Lighting Masterplan Miami Dade County, 2015.

Lighting Masterplan for Miami Dade County, requested by Citelum United States to serve as subside for a commercial approach with the local government. A focused study for Miami Beach was part of this report.

LED upgrade PPP feasibility assessment for São Paulo, Brazil, 2015.

Feasibility assessment developed for the largest city in Brazil. The city of São Paulo opened a public competition in order to establish a public-private partnership to manage the public lighting of the city. This report evaluated the options for substituting 620.000 fixtures in São Paulo for LED equipment and it served as a model for future assessments of LED upgrades in Brazilian cities.

Masterplan and LED upgrade feasibility assessment for Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2012.

Urban Lighting Plan designed in 2012, focused on energy savings and improvement of the nighttime image.

During the execution of the plan, the city requested to incorporate a LED fixture study, in which the fixtures from different manufacturers were compared. The result led to an acquisition of 90.000 LED fixtures that are now installed. Our plan successfully guided the city’s LED acquisition and installation.

Lighting Masterplan for Curitiba, Brazil, 2011.

Urban Lighting Plan designed in 2011, focused on energy savings and improvement of the nighttime image. This plan served as the guideline for future lighting interventions in Curitiba, including assessment for LED upgrade plan.

Lighting Masterplan for Santiago de Chile, 2008.

Urban Lighting Plan designed in 2008-2009, focused on energy savings and improvement of the nighttime image. This plan served as the guideline for future lighting interventions in Santiago.

Architectural Illumination

Although my focus in Atelier Lumiere was the development of urban lighting masterplans, I often collaborated in several artistic lighting projects since I became a partner.

Here are some of the most notorious. From top left going forth in clockwise sense: Paço Municipal de Curitiba (Curitiba, Brazil), Igreja da Candelária (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Ponte Rio Negro (Manaus, Brazil), Teatro Municipal (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), and Sede do Corpo de Bombeiros do Rio (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).

Early works in Urban Design.

Entry for the Design Competition for the Cayru Square in Salvador-BA (2001).

This project was done with the former university colleagues Adriano Mascarenhas (Coordinator) and Osvaldo Boaventura Costa.

It was awarded with the Highlight Project honorable mention.

Please take a look at my data analytics and GIS work as well.

As a Master of City Planning Student in the Smart Cities concentration area, I have taken multiple data analytics courses. I am proficient in Geospatial Data Analysis using R, Python, and ArcGIS. I also learned Javascript for web mapping.

Click here to go to my GitHub data analytics portfolio.

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